Government will legalise marriage between centaurs and unicorns

In what is being hailed a ‘milestone’ by magical rights activists all around the world, the UK government is finally going to push through the legalisation of marriage between centaurs and unicorns.
A long-standing bone of contention between the two races, representatives from the Centaurs and Unicorns communities have praised the government’s decision. 
In a joint statement, representatives from the Centaurs and Unicorns declared:
“For centuries we have advocated free love between centaurs and unicorns, and have had to hide this love from the public. Well no longer! We can now celebrate the wonderful unions between thousands of centaurs who have for so long wanted to celebrate their love to unicorns.”
Hot on the tail of the issue, the Leprechauns have renewed their fight to be allowed the right to marry wizards and witches. The government has declined to respond. To be continued…